Sunday, December 16, 2007

Strange way of greeting

It was a dark night. The world seemed still. I fell asleep amidst the silence. I was hugging my pillow tight as I slept. Suddenly a hand pulled the pillow out of my hand. "My God!!!! Let it not be a ghost...." I prayed. The same hands put the pillow on my face. I felt the pillow squeezing me. I clutched the hands. Oh! how rough it seemed. I could neither scream nor help me out of the pillow. Struggling hard, I pushed the pillow aside. Opened my eyes to see the face of my 'attempt murderer'. I could hardly see who it was. When a voice shouted "Good morning........". There stood my brother with a big grin showing that he was back home. I jumped out of the bed, sprang on him and beat him as hard i can. "Ooooooo. It wasn't a ghost anyway", I thought relieved.

Monday, December 3, 2007


1. Man is born to conquer nature and not to follow it.

2. When you think you are a body, are apart from the universe; when you think; you are a soul, you are a spark from the great Eternal Fire; when you think you are the Âtman (Self), you are All.

3. The will is not free — it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect — but there is something behind the will which is free.

4. Strength is in goodness, in purity.

5. The universe is — objectified God.

6. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

7. The root of evil is in the illusion that we are bodies. This, if any, is the original sin.

8. One party says thought is caused by matter, and the other says matter is caused by thought. Both statements are wrong; matter and thought are coexistent. There is a third something of which both matter and thought are products.

9. As particles of matter combine in space, so mind-waves combine in time.

10. To define God is — grinding the already ground; for He is the only being we know.

11. Religion is the idea which is raising the brute unto man, and man unto God.

12. External nature is only internal nature writ large.

13. The motive is the measure of your work. What motive can be higher than that you are God, and that the lowest man is also God?

14. The observer in the psychic world needs to be very strong and scientifically trained.

15. To believe that mind is all, that thought is all is only a higher materialism.

16. This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.

17. You cannot teach a child any more than you can grow a plant. All you can do is on the negative side — you can only help. It is a manifestation from within; it develops its own nature — you can only take away obstructions.

18. As soon as you make a sect, you protest against universal brotherhood. Those who really feel universal brotherhood do not talk much, but their very actions speak aloud.

19. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.

20. You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.